10:35pm - Wow what an amazing night! The sky has a nice big full moon, Jupiter! Cozy blankets, Les Baxter's song 'moon moods' playing on my portable cd stereo for some great night music. Also I have my two star gazing buddies, dogs Sophy and Spirit. aaaahh nice night. It is 70 degrees and slighty windy. Les Baxter and his orchestra made some great music. My self made album (downloaded and burned onto a cd) is named after one of his songs on it 'saturday night on saturn'.
Thwap! mosquito. I have my binoculars for some deep sky viewing, It feels like summer out here tonight because it is 70 degrees and slighty windy. Slightly to harder winds makes for steady transparent skies, perfect seeing. classic Les Baxter on my radio makes it extra enjoyable. Beautiful music to listen too out here by the blue light of my radio and the view of the full moon. Wow these binocs are so great, I just popped the Pereus double cluster in it's field of view AND there is a full moon's light out!
You are taking a rare moment out of life to just be. to just enjoy being under the moon and what stars or planet(s) you can see. Tonight Lyra, Aquilla, and Cygnus are all saying "Come on out, we'll enjoy the moon with you tonight".
Thwap! another mosquito, only two tonight. The crickets are singing to the moon quietly tonight. sophy is beside me just staring here and there, spirit is under his tree sleeping in his favourite spot. tonight is a really nice night too be out here, ooh big airplane coming, love pulling out my binocs and watching them fly by.
Here is a video I made. Enjoy the cricket sounds! And on my radio is Because Of You by: Les Baxter
And one of my radio blue light and the moon. Song is 'blue tango'. by Les baxter.
One thing I love about summer full moon nights is the shadows of the trees on my patio. The moons light is bright enough to cause shadows of the tree's leaves. It is such a small thing in life but so amazing to me. I cannot get enough of is on full moon nights like tonight when you just spend time under the moon appreciating your night sky and astronomy life.
It's a nice life when you are connected to the night sky and full moon night sky feeling. A full moonlit night sky is like a classic Sinatra song.
I'm jealous. I live in the inner city and our night sky is nothing. Spending time outside at night like you do would make the neighbors worry. (Not so lol.) I miss the night sky full of stars. I just moved here last February. I don't listen much to Les Baxter but my Celtic Woman cd's would sure fit the bill. Especially the song, The Moon's a Harsh Mistress. Among others. That was a bright moon if it was casting shadows of leaves. I've been out a little over the past two nights enjoying the Harvest Moon and what alpha stars I can see. Mainly Vega, Deneb and Altaire. Jupiter has been shining brightly too. Give Sophy and Spirit a treat from me.
Sorry To hear that Heavy
Can you move? I did! Life is up too you!
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