I am a star map-aholic.The Orion Deep Map 600 is a must!!
I love using it so much I cannot stop pulling it out to plan my next night sky deep sky hunt, along with my amazing new book: 1,001 Celestial Wonders to See. And hunting for deep sky stuff to observe in my 12 inch dobsonian telescope.
I have been observing for 10 years now and I wanted to bump up my observing to find even more distant objects in and beyond the Milky Way galaxy and these two deliver. Just like your scope and a great selection of eyepieces, the deep sky map and book are a powerhouse pair to amp up your observing skills and enjoyment.
I used these two under the night sky this weekend and I had a blast using them. Already I am looking forward too tonight's adventure.
Hey NSG glad you have the "600"! Plenty to enjoy and a easy format to use at the scope!
I am going to see about ordering the "1001" book also for you cannot have enough astronomy aids ALL OVER the house, in the car, at work, out with the wife, time with friends.......I know you understand!
There is an old saying leave no stone unturned, NSG leaves no deep sky object unturned. You seem a huge deep sky hunter.
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